Personal Loan

Loan on Your Doorstep


A personal loan from Milaap Capital can help you take control of your finances. From consolidating your debt, home improvement or renovation, financing repairs, emergencies and more, our wide range of long products can help you plan for both the expected and unexpected.

Choose our personal loan solution at low-interest rates based on your net income, profile, repayment capacity and current monthly obligations.

A financial requirement can come up at any given time. It could be a medical emergency or house repair you can no longer put off. Meeting these financial requirements from your pocket can be challenging. You are likely to burn out your savings and put your future financial plans also in jeopardy. Here’s where Milaap Capital comes to your rescue. You can apply for a Personal Loan and meet your financial requirements hassle-free.

You can get a significant loan amount at competitive interest rates for a flexible tenure. You can repay the loan amount in Equated Monthly Installments (EMI). This makes the financing option affordable and flexible. To apply for a loan, all you need to do is meet simple eligibility criteria and submit the necessary documents. On approval, the loan amount will be credited to your account within the shortest possible time frame.

Types of Personal Loan Products

The best thing about a personal loan is that you don’t have to limit the use of funds for a specific purpose, unlike a home or car loan. Some of the most popular types of personal loans where the money can be used to great effect are:

Wedding Loan

Holiday Loan

Home Renovation Loan

Fresher Funding

Top Up Loan


A plus point of applying for a Personal Loan is it has no end-use restriction associated with it. You can use the obtained funds to meet any financial requirement. Following are the various financial requirements a Personal Loan is commonly applied for:

Medical emergency

Medical emergencies can arise at any given point in time. Most emergencies require you to act promptly. The last thing you want is your loved one not receiving treatment on time due to a lack of funds. If there is no insurance policy benefit available, applying for a Personal Loan can prove to be very helpful. You avail adequate financing right on time.

Wedding planning

Your wedding day is a very special day in your life. The expenses incurred at Indian weddings are also very high. Let not the worry of finances come in the way of celebrating this special day to the fullest. Apply for a Personal Loan and have your dream wedding, without compromising.

House renovation

Whether it’s redoing the ceiling or filling in the wall cracks, at times you need to renovate your house as a priority. Otherwise, it becomes a major safety concern. Home renovation typically requires a significant amount of financing. However, you need not worry, as by applying for a Personal Loan you can meet your requirements easily.

Debt consolidation

Keeping up with multiple loan and credit card repayments can be very challenging. You feel burdened with the high-interest liability. Furthermore, in case you miss out on a repayment you incur a penalty as well. In such a situation opting for debt consolidation is sensible. By applying for a Personal Loan, you can repay all existing loans and other financial obligations and focus on only one repayment.


  • Age Salaried 23 – 58 year
  • Total years in job/profession – 2 years
  • Years in current residence – 1 year
  • 10.49%* onwards per annum
  • Salaried individuals with minimum net salary of Rs 30,000.
  • No collateral Loan
  • Interest rate may vary as per Cibil Score


We Do not Charge Any Fee for Any of Our Services

We do not charge any fee for any of our services. If someone is demanding any type of charges or fees on behalf of Milaap Capital, Kindly Register a Complaint


Loan Calculator


Calculator Disclaimer

The repayment amount shown using this calculator is an estimate, based on information you have provided. It is provided for illustrative purposes only and actual repayment amounts may vary. To find out actual repayment amounts, contact us. This calculation does not constitute a quote, loan approval, agreement or advice by the banks. It does not take into account your personal or financial circumstances.

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